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QRMSS Chapter 6: Ethnographic Field Studies


Updated: Nov 5, 2021

Ethnography has many definitions attached to the purpose involved in conducting social research. Like symbolic interactionist theory, ethnography is the study of cultures to reveal unknown elements between people and groups with a goal of getting to the meaning behind the actions. The origins of this process were anthropological in nature consisting of recording observations to simply explore and understand native inhabitants of social environments. As improvements broadened the scope of the technique it was improved to what is now the “new ethnography” used today. The new style of ethnography uses many mediums to acquire and analyze research data. Visuals, film, interviews, various forms of field work, and participant observations are just some of the major contributions to the classic method. There are two subcategories included that measure the scope in use under micro or macro ethnography which is determined by how large of a group is being studied. With my own research project, it is unclear to me if the question I am asking is on a macro ethnographic level. Asking about the effects of a Western adaptation of the Eastern meditation tradition seems macro is scope, however, because I am only able to use a small sample of practitioner’s micro ethnography seems to be a more appropriate title. The first step of ethnographic research is gaining access to the group or setting under observation by the investigative researchers. The best approach is to imagine any obstacles potentially derailing the task at hand during the research design phase and avoiding them if possible. As ethnographers should be well informed on the setting of their study by conducting a literature review allowing them to be informed of any problematic circumstances for gaining entry. For my study I chose to join Meditation Meet Up Groups online to gain access to my study population and recruit participants to be in a focus group of people already practicing meditation. To find subjects new to meditation more creativity is required. I plan on going to places devoted to nature like parks and metaphysical shops to recruit members who do not meditate. Where someone gains entry and how they obtain access will determine the value of the data that is collected. For example, if I was to approach my participants as an expert on Eastern meditation and question their experience, I would probably get very poor results. Intimidation may play a factor or safe answers that were more correct than descriptive would be provided. On the other hand, approaching subjects from a neutral state inquiring about the experience of meditation for the purpose of gaining knowledge will yield more information. Some ethnographers choose to conceal their identity when researching controversial topics. Insider access is not needed in my study and takes a lot of complexity and risk out of an ethnographic project. The two different styles are known as covert and overt each providing disadvantages to collecting data. The overt entry method will taint data as the reactive effects may distort the true nature of the subjects being studied. Obviously covert entrance is difficult due to the ethical issue of consent and confidentiality. Overall, the scientific benefits resulting from the study must override and potential harm covert entrance might introduce for data to be utilized. The choice between the entry options will determine if the researcher will be able to openly record and take notes or collect data in a more discreet manner. The next step of data analysis is more limited in ethnography using inductive content analysis and narrative accounts for optimal results. The researchers last responsibility is exiting the field, and this varies according to each investigation and should always be done in a way that is allowing ease of access to the next investigation to follow.

Howard Lune, Bruce L. Berg (2017) Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences 9th Edition (QRMSS), Pearson


Monterrey Village Park Ethnographic Study

For my ethnographic research study, I decided to observe my daughter on the playground in our neighborhood. I returned to the location four times for fifteen minutes to make observations and take fieldnotes on the activity. Access to the public park was easily gained and I used my four-year-old daughter Leah as a guide and informant. We made sure to visit the park at the same time, 5pm, to get a consistent collection.

1. September 27, 2021, Monday- 5:00 pm Monterrey Village Park- When we arrived at the park it was empty. The park has a playground, walking trail, dog park, picnic table and BBQ area. The area was quiet except for cars coming into the neighborhood. For ten minutes we were the only ones in sight and then another group arrived at 5:11. With two Hispanic women in workout clothing both pushing strollers holding a toddler each the scene got livelier. The two toddlers were both Hispanic boys about two years old and my daughter would not help me with additional information because she said they were babies. The moms conversed on the bench watching their kids play and seemed to be very engaged in discussion. I would guess they were not older than 35 years old by looking at the outfits and hearing pieces of their conversation. The group was friendly to my daughter and I but did not say more than a few words to us in passing. They stayed for about ten minutes and left when one boy feel and hurt his knee.

2. September 29, 2021, Wednesday-5:00 pm Monterrey Village Park-Today the park is already occupied by three adolescent kids, one Hispanic boy and two Hispanic girls. The girls were older around age 12 and the boy appeared to be around nine and was the brother of the leader. The girl I determined was the leader seemed to oversee the activities the kids were involved in at the park and decided when it was time for the group to leave. These activities included walking the trail and climbing trees while laughing and talking to one another. No conversation was made between our two groups. Another group arrived as the three adolescents were leaving at 5:09 consisting of a father, a mother, a little girl my daughters age, and a baby in a sling worn by the mother. The family was an ethnic blend with the mother fair skinned and blonde hair in her early to mid-twenties and the father, African American man who appeared to be about ten years older. The family was friendly, and the little girl was happy to play with my daughter when she asked her to go down the slide. The couple talked to me after the baby waved hello and explained where they lived in the neighborhood and how long they had been residents. We exchanged numbers so our girls could meet to play at the park in the future and the family stayed until after we left.

3. October 2, 2021, Saturday-5:00 pm Monterrey Village Park-Today the park is full a Hispanic family is celebrating a birthday with a group of 17 people under the pavilion. The group is made up of seven adults and ten children. It is not clear if the group is related or if they are just friends. It is obvious they are happy and seem to be very comfortable with one another. There are three men attending the party. Two who oversee the barbecue pit are both in their forties and are talking together and laughing. There is an older man that appears to be the grandfather of the boy whose birthday party they are celebrating. He seems to be content by himself watching the kids play. All five of the women are in conversation taking turns directing the kids and correcting their behavior. All the people attending the party are speaking Spanish. The women seemed to be in a conversation that is more serious than the men. I did hear them laughing sporadically during the session and it was directed at the children. The kids were behaving as children do at a park, loud and wild, and were nice enough to allow my daughter to play with them while we were there. I identified the birthday boy he was about six years old, and his party guests ranged between four to ten years old. We left as the two men began to plate and pass the fajitas out to the guests.

4. October 3, 2021-Sunday 5:00pm Monterrey Village- No one in sight for fifteen minutes

Data Analysis

During my observation at Monterey Park I noticed that the park is very low traffic this makes for a safe environment for kids to play. The inhabitants are from the neighborhood. I also notice that people of all ages are seen at the park as well as a mix of ethnic backgrounds. A pattern I did see was that the majority of people I studied at the park were Hispanic women and their children. My findings also showed the busiest day at the park was Saturday and Sunday was the least busy. No cars were seen at the park and all subjects I observed arrived by foot. This area was well maintenance and safe for all inhabitants.



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